Who is affected?
From 1st December 2022, landlords in Wales must comply with The Renting Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) (Wales) Regulations 2022.
The new regulations are designed to ensure that private and social rented properties in Wales are fit for human habitation, including the provision of an adequate Fire and Carbon Monoxide alarm system.

What has changed?
The new law requires all Private Rented and Social Housing to have interlinked Smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarms:-
Smoke Alarms - Must be Mains Powered and Interlinked
There must be a working Smoke alarm on every storey of a property, e.g. hallway and landing. Additional Smoke alarms can be installed in the property at the landlord’s discretion. - Carbon Monoxide Alarms - A Carbon Monoxide alarm must be installed in any room which has a gas, oil or solid fuel burning appliance installed or flue from said appliance.

Which alarms are compliant?
When purchasing new alarms they must have the correct specification, testing and certification as follows:
- Smoke Alarms - BS EN14604:2005
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms - British Kitemark EN 50291-1

LINKD Alarms | 100% Compliant
At LINKD Alarms our Mains Powered alarms are fully compliant with the new Wales Regulations. Our alarms are:-
- Mains Powered
- Grade D1
- Interlinked
- Tested and Certified to EN14604:2005 and to British Kitemark EN 50291-1
Purchase with confidence that your properties are in compliance with the law and insurance policies